Hemp Law Update!

Last week we posted a blog about the DEA’s new and extremely troubling Interim Final Rule (IFR). This bill puts hemp farmers in serious danger, and, as the National Hemp Round table has pleads, “We know that the USDA passionately supports American farmers. That is why we ask you to let farmers farm and encourage the DEA–once and for all–to remove itself from the hemp business.” To read more about this extremely important and troubling legislative development, check out last week’s blog here: Government Patents On & Legal Barriers Around CBD.


Good news!

Additionally, we discussed the need for FDA legislation concerning hemp as a food, beverage, and cosmetic supplement and, oddly enough, on the day our blog was posted, new legislation emerged! Named “Hemp and Hemp-Derived CBD Consumer Protection and Market Stabilization Act of 2020,” the bill reads, “To make hemp, cannabidiol derived from hemp, and any other ingredient derived from hemp lawful for use under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act as a dietary ingredient in a dietary supplement, and for other purposes.”
This bill was put forward by Congresspeople H. Morgan Griffith of Virginia and Kurt Schrader of Oregon. At this time, it is just a bill and must go through Congress, then the Senate, and then—hopefully—the Whitehouse. If you need a refresher on the process of how a bill becomes a law, Schoolhouse Rock may serve you. (Check the video below.)


Do your part! You matter! Your voice matters!

This is a great sign for hemp, and if you want to do your part in getting this bill passed, call your representative congressperson! It really makes a difference—plus, who doesn’t want good karma in the name of nature’s medicine? Find your congressperson here: www.house.gov

Why is hemp legislation so important?

People need hemp, especially children such as Charlotte Figi. If you don’t know her story, I would encourage a quick Google search (Youtube would also suffice). Along with the need for hemp to be both legal and available, it should also be safe. Currently, without FDA regulation or proper legislation, many so-called “CBD” companies are producing products that do not contain the cannabinoids claimed. In fact, some don’t have cannabinoids at all! The FDA reports that 70% of “CBD” products on the market do not have the cannabinoids as stated on the packaging. Additionally, many “CBD” products are not made using proper safety regulations. This is extremely concerning as hemp is a bioaccumulator, meaning any toxin it is grown in will be absorbed into the flowers and concentrated into the products that customers consume. Further, without proper COAs and batch numbers, there is no way to recall products if there were toxic contamination issues because there is no tracking.

Luckily, this is nothing you have to worry about with Botanicam. We created this company to ensure transparency and safety in the unregulated, “Wild-West” CBD marketplace. But, as people that care about hemp and its safety and efficacy for all consumers (whether you purchase from us or not), we can all agree that legislation is extremely important.


An Article By Evie Louise

Evie Louise is a recent psychology graduate from New York University. She is a certified in International Cannabinoid Clinical Therapy. Evie sees all forms of the cannabis sativa plant as the future of psychiatry, and hopes to use it in her therapy practice as a full spectrum approach to mental health and wellness.

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