COVID Weight Anyone? 

Throughout quarantine, while some of us have achieved new fitness goals, others  have put on some “covid weight” (including me—haha!). It makes sense—during this  pandemic, the passage of time has felt surreal, if not non-existent, and our goals suddenly  seem unattainable. Believe it or not, quarantine is going to end and life is still moving; I  know I am personally going to kick myself in the butt for letting things that are important to  me (such as my health) slip away! The weight isn’t really what matters—the real issue is that  a sedentary lifestyle has real health consequences. Not to worry though! CBD is going to help  all of us get moving again, so that we can feel healthier in our bodies and minds!!


Photo by ​Jonathan Borba​ on ​Unsplash 

Why Getting back in the Groove Can Hurt

Nobody wants to be sore every day. The beginning of a new exercise regime is when  one is most likely to become sore; it’s almost inevitable. Surprisingly, this soreness is why  most people do not continue with a new workout regime.  

Soreness means the body is getting stronger! It occurs due to microscopic tears on the  inside of the muscle fibers. The pain is a consequence of the body trying to heal the tiny  muscle tears via inflammation.  

When we push ourselves too hard, we may get what is called DOMS, or Delayed Onset  Muscle Soreness. This is when the tearing reoccurs in the same area and a person starts to  feel overly exhausted. The muscles become inflamed due to damage and have a much more  arduous time healing until the levels of inflammation decrease. This can really stifle a  person’s progress. 

Additionally, Dr. Alan Beyer, sports medicine doctor and executive medical director of  the Hoag Orthopedic Institute in California, states that excess inflammation can lead to  excessive muscle damage and poor workout results. Finally, inflammation is a common  contributor in workout injuries, e.g. strains or sprains.  

How to:  

Prevent Muscle Tearing & Tightness

★ New Muscles
○ Switch which sets of muscles you work out from day to day, especially if you are sore. This way, your muscles can recover and repair themselves.
★ Stretch
○ When people fail to stretch, their muscles get sore, spasm and contract; this actually causes a person to become less flexible as they work out!
○ The most crucial way to prevent this is to end the daily workout routine with (at least) 10 minutes of a cool down and stretch.
○ If a person is really sore, perhaps something light (such as yin yoga, walking, or swimming) can be helpful to stop those muscles from tightening!

Heal ​while​ Reducing Pain 

CBD is known for easing inflammation, relieving pain, and reducing muscle spasms.  All of these properties are helpful for a fast recovery, but did you know that CBD actually  works to heal the muscles?  

★ Muscle Recovery

○ CBD promotes anti-catabolic responses of the body (catabolic hormones contribute to muscle loss). This means that boosting the Endocannabinoid System and ensuring the activation of the cannabinoid receptors prevents the body from losing muscle mass, while accelerating muscle recovery and growth.
★ Heal Faster
○ This means working with inflammation . The endocannabinoid system has 2 types of receptors, CB1 and CB2. CBD works with the CB2 receptors. These receptors help control the body’s inflammation. They reduce inflammation when there is too much, or increase inflammation when there is not enough, keeping the body in balance.
★ Reduce Pain
○ CB2 receptors activate cytokine modulation (cytokines are signaling molecules that mediate and regulate inflammation, immunity, and hematopoiesis) and COX Pathway modulation (the inflammation and pain pathway).
○ CBD also has opiate receptor modulation effects, altering endorphins and
■ Enkephalins are the endogenous opioid pentapeptides. Opioid peptides are peptides that bind to opioid receptors in the brain. Opiates and opioids mimic the effect of these peptides.
○ Modulation of glycine receptors is another way that cannabinoid receptor activation reduces pain. Glycine receptors are involved in several physiological and pathological processes including:
■ Neuromotor activity
■ Antinociception (the action or process of blocking the detection of a painful or injurious stimulus by sensory neurons )
■ Muscle relaxation
■ Stress
■ Reward mechanisms
■ Seizure Activity


Photo by Ayo Ogunseinde on Unsplash

Sleep & Heal

Of course, there are many ways in which cannabinoids help to keep the body in tip top shape, including inducing relaxation and rest when needed. Whether it’s an injury, sore muscles, or sickness—sleeping is healing. The body heals and regenerates during sleep; this is why it’s important to get on a consistent and sufficient sleep cycle. One of the many responsibilities of the endocannabinoid system is to help regulate the sleep cycle.


Photo by Kyle Johnson on Unsplash

What Products Would I Recommend to Those Using CBD for
Workout Recovery?

Moon Mother’s CBD Massage Oil ** On sale right now!
○ For those lucky enough to have someone who will massage them, this product is ideal! The massage will help the cannabinoids deeply soak into the muscles.
■ Plus, the massaging hands won’t hurt so much! 

Moon Mother’s Bath Salts
○ This is miracle stuff. Especially recommended for those with injuries. I threwout my back and couldn’t bend over; I used this stuff and never felt the injuryagain!

Any Salve/Balm
○ These are great for targeted self-application

Any Roll On
○ These are great for on-the-go use!

★ All capsules, tinctures, edibles, patches & suppositories
○ While these are not targeted applications, these delivery mechanisms are known to keep the whole body functioning optimally, preventing pain before it even begins. You never know how you are going to heal with CBD!


An Article By Evie Louise

Evie Louise is a recent psychology graduate from New York University. She is a certified in International Cannabinoid Clinical Therapy. Evie sees all forms of the cannabis sativa plant as the future of psychiatry, and hopes to use it in her therapy practice as a full spectrum approach to mental health and wellness.

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