Today, Co-Founder Amy Lund shares an easy, healthy and tasty fig jam recipe. Figs are an amazing fruit—so versatile, they can actually be used to replace fats in baking recipes. They are considered one of the world’s healthiest foods!


Photo by Weronika Marcińczyk on Unsplash

F​un​ ​Historical​ F​acts about ​F​igs

● The history of figs goes as far back as ancient Bible stories. Many believe it was figs that were actually the fruit in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve, not apples.
● Figs were considered to be restorative in Roman times. They were thought to maintain the health of the elderly and make them look younger. Also, they were believed to increase the strength of young Romans. (Pliny, 52-113 A.D.)
● The Ancient Greeks held figs in such high esteem that laws were created that prohibited the export of the best quality figs!
● Figs were used as training food by early Olympic athletes and were awarded as laurels to the winners and thus were the first Olympic Medals.
● Romans considered the fig a sacred fruit and believed the fig tree symbolizes abundance, fertility and sweetness.
● The commercial introduction of figs came with the all too famous ​Fig Newtons®​, introduced in 1892.

F​un Nutritional ​F​acts about ​F​igs

● Figs, ounce for ounce, have more potassium (a mineral that helps control blood pressure) than bananas!
● Figs have more fiber than prunes and fiber rich foods can have a positive effect on weight management.
● A cup of figs has as much calcium as a cup of milk, while figs are easier for the body to process.

Our Jamming CBD Fig Jam Recipe

Makes around 3 cups of jam with approximately 9-10mgs of cannabinoids per 2 tablespoon serving.

❏ 1 lb. of fresh figs
❏ 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
❏ 1 tablespoon of lemon zest (lemon peel shavings)
❏ 6-7 sprigs of fresh thyme
❏ 1 tablespoon ​*Colorado Hemp Honey’s Lemon Stress Less Honey​ (link)(or to your sweet tooth’s desires)
❏ 3 full droppers of ​Green Roads World broad spectrum 550mg tincture (link)
❏ 5 cups of love <3

Step-by-Step Instructions:

1. Combine the figs (quartered and destemmed) with the lemon juice, lemon zest and chopped thyme.
2. Bring to a soft boil on low heat.
3. Turn to a simmer for 30-40 minutes.
4. Stirring regularly (longer for looser jam).
5. Take off heat and let cool for 20 minutes, as not to destroy any cannabinoids.
6. Add CBD honey and CBD tincture, stir, and let cool to room temperature.
7. Try not to eat it all before putting it in jars!


Photo by Markus Avila on Unsplash


An Article By Amy Lund

Amy Lund Co-Founder – Botanicam Amy Lund worked as Senior Managing Director in financial services for 30 years at Bear Stearns and JP Morgan. Lund is experienced and skilled in areas of business development and implementation including financial structuring, portfolio management, asset-backed security (ABS), corporate finance, and hedge funds. At Botanicam Lund is responsible for investor relations, general counsel and corporate compliance services and resources, and spearheading banking procedures and potential risk implications with the federal government. When Lund is not running or building companies, she is cooking (which she loves), caring for her 2 children, biking, doing yoga, and often assisting people in disadvantaged circumstances to improve their lives.

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