The relief CBD has provided to me and the healing I have seen it supply to others has given me a deeper understanding of our connection to plants and the Earth. I mean, it should have been obvious – we are creatures of this Earth and we are made of this Earth – but sometimes those obvious things just don’t click, especially in the modern age where many of us have few necessary interactions with nature.

Mammalian evolution is so connected to the plants of the earth, that we have more cannabinoid receptors in our body than any other type of receptors. These receptors run the endocannabinoid system AKA the system that regulates and synthesizes all the systems of the body and are replenished from the hemp and other plants.. When we run out of cannabinoids to fuel this system? Research is demonstrating to us that this produces all sorts of dysfunctions and eventually diseases of the body. Luckily nature has gifted us with a plant that can supply our bodies with phytocannabinoids to help the body retain its own endocannabinoids and re-supply the endocannabinoid system. This creates health at a cellular level! No, this isn’t able to do what modern medicine can do in terms of surgeries and treatment of disease. but, it can make a huge difference. Most importantly it can help prevent these things from happening in the first place by making sure the body is running at homeostasis! It is much easier to treat a disease before it forms!!

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Photo by Pratiksha Mohanty on Unsplash

Other Herbal Remedies

But, I am getting off track, this blog is supposed to be all about the other herbs and their medicinal properties. You see nature has made many medicines for us, and while I think CBD is king, as it supplies the endocannabinoid system, when paired with other medicines that are divine in their own right, true herbal magic is created.

MCT Oil (Fractionated Coconut Oil)

This is coconut oil which has isolated medium chain triglycerides by removing the longer fat molecules. Medium chain triglycerides are smaller fatty molecules that can be better absorbed by the liver, making the CBD more bioavailable. Higher bioavailability means more CBD will be absorbed by the body, rather than destroyed by liver enzymes. Additionally, MCT itself aids epilepsy treatment and improves brain function (even reducing the risk of Dementia, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimers)!

Our Products that Utilize Organic MCT Oil:

Hemp Seed Oil

Not to be confused with CBD oil!!! This oil is made of the seeds (not the flowers) and has virtually no cannabinoids or terpenes! It does have other phytonutrients, vitamins, and an abundance of fatty acids, making it a wonderful option for a carrier oil.

Our Products that Utilize Hemp Seed Oil:

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil protects the skin and has antimicrobial properties.

Our Products that Use Coconut Oil:

Jojoba Oil

Jojoba oil is an amazing supplement for the skin it moisturizes, soothes many skin conditions, contains antibacterial properties, is an antioxidant, reduces the appearance of scars and aging, plus it’s hypoallergenic!

Our Products that Use Jojoba Oil:


Another flower which doubles as medicine, the most common uses of arnica are for osteoarthritis, surgery recovery, bleeding, and bruising. Arnica has plant chemicals which act as natural antibiotics, relieve pain, and reduce swelling.

Our Products that Use Arnica:

Shea Butter

This is the fat of the nuts extracted from the shea tree. It is a powerful asset in a skincare routine due to fatty acids, vitamins, triglycerides, and cetyl esters. It is moisturizing, antibacterial, antifungal, anti inflammatory, an antioxidant, relieves arthritis, heals muscles heal, improves collagen production, helps promote cell regeneration, reduces wrinkles and lines, reduces the strech marks and scaring, protects the skin against sun damage, soothes skin conditions and bug bites, and can help heal wounds.

Our Products that Use Shea Butter:

Cocoa Butter

This is extremely soothing to the skin. Packed with Vitamin E and potent fatty acids, it hydrates the skin while creating a protection barrier to protect the skin from the sun, retain moisture, and keep the skin from drying. Additionally, applied topically cocoa butter is able to relieve itching and speed up the healing process after skin fair ups such as in dermatitis and eczema.

Our Products that Use Cocoa Butter:


Made of honeycomb and containing pollen oil, beeswax is wonderful to apply topically. Beeswax is healing, soothing, hydrating, mosisterizing, and contains antifungal properties!

Our Products that Use Beeswax:

Vitamin E

Indian Dermatology Online Journal Published a scientific paper, Vitamin E in Dermatology , claims, “Vitamin E is an important fat-soluble antioxidant and has been in use for more than 50 years in dermatology. It is an important ingredient in many cosmetic products. It protects the skin from various deleterious effects due to solar radiation by acting as a free-radical scavenger. Experimental studies suggest that vitamin E has antitumorigenic (counteracting the formation of tumors) and photoprotective (helping an organism cope with molecular damage caused by sunlight) properties.”

Our Products that Use Vitamin E:

Boswellia Extract (Frankincense)

A favorite of ayurvedic medicine, the resin of the Boswellia tree has been used as a medicine throughout the ages. It is one of the most valued herbs in Ayurveda, “Gajabhakshya” is the Sanskrit name for Boswellia. Ancient Ayurvedic medical books describe this herbs use as a treatment for arthritis, as well as its use in muscular pain and pain relief.

Our Products that Use Boswellia Extract:

Calendula Flowers

This oil is used in healing and soothing the skin due to it’s antifungal, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.

Our Products that Use Calendula Flowers:

Vanilla Extract

While smelling delicious, vanilla is also packed with B vitamins (a wonderful aid to maintaining healthy skin) and contains antiinflammatory properties.

Our Products that Use Vanilla Extract:

Sunflower Lecithin

Another substance found both in your body (in the tissues of your body) and in nature (in this case derived out of sunflowers seeds). Sunflower lecithin contains choline, an essential nutrient that works as part of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, a chemical the brain uses to communicate. Having an abundance of this nutrient improves the brain’s functional pathways while projecting against neurodegenerative diseases, muscle damage, organ dysfunction, and a fatty liver. For the skin, sunflower lecithin is defined as an emollient, meaning it makes the skin appear smooth due to its ability to restore hydration. Not only does it make you look good, but it can actually heal certain skin conditions such as eczema.

Our Products that Use Sunflower Lecithin:

Chinese Medical Mushrooms

Nothing other than pure vitality can describe the combination of CBD and medicinal mushroom! Read more the benefits in Botaniblog, Our Mushrooms.

Our Products that Use Chinese Medicinal Mushrooms:

For those who like some heat

Menthol Crystals

Menthol is a clear or white crystal that has been extracted from peppermint essential oil. Menthol creates a stimulating heat filled sensation when applied topically that helps relieve muscle aches and cramps, sprains, and sometimes even skin irritations and headaches.

Our Products that Use Chinese Menthol Crystals:


Providing a spicy sensation that will continue to heat and cool for hours, cayenne applied topically fights aging while detoxifying the skin. Additionally, these peppers contain high and stable concentrations of vitamin E, making the product both protective and nourishing.

Our Products that Utilize Cayenne:

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Photo by Janine Joles on Unsplash


An Article By Evie Louise

Evie Louise is a recent psychology graduate from New York University. She is a certified in International Cannabinoid Clinical Therapy. Evie sees all forms of the cannabis sativa plant as the future of psychiatry, and hopes to use it in her therapy practice as a full spectrum approach to mental health and wellness.

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